Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Mary: I just saw your comment. This weekend admission was free, but now it's standard again, so $8 per person.

Not much to say. My back and my stomach both really hurt when I got up today, it sucked. Derek washed my dishes for me, he's so sweet. I cleaned my room before class last night and it's already messy again! The bathroom needs a scrub too, I'm gonna do that too, and work on my new manuscript. Whenever Derek and I hang out again, I'm gonna look for a Christmas present for Courtney. Mom, if you still wanna reimburse me for the Lamictal than I can get Jeremy's too soon, but it's okay if you don't, I can just wait til my next check. I'm positive I'll have it before Xmas.

It's so hot in this house!! I'm wearing shorts and a tube top. That's it, I'm going to turn the heat down.
posted by Amanda at 9:55 PM |


At December 3, 2007 at 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Christmas is nice till you find out how much money you "have" to spend lol. It's all fun though.