Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Well, I have a math exam today so I'm a bit early. My laptop isn't connected to the internet yet, so I can only check my email and stuff at school.

I'm really liking the new house so far, everyone's quiet and keeps out of each other's way. But I discovered last night that there are no plates, cups, bowls, or silverware in the kitchen. So all I have right now is my thermos and some paper plates. It sucks.

Umm not much to say, I have class tonight and then tomorrow I'm gonna hand out candy to the kiddies. I might dress up in my old pirate costume. I wanna see pics of the kids in their costumes, so someone send them my way when you get them!
posted by Amanda at 8:33 AM |


At October 31, 2007 at 6:47 PM, Blogger mom said........
I have some plates,bowls and cups you can have. You and Derek should come up this weekend for pheasant. The kids were adorable tonight as usual. Trick or Treat
Don't eat steak by yourself...