Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thanks for the comments, Mom and Mary. Yeah, I'm glad I wore that dress too.

So yesterday evening Derek dropped me off at the library and took Suzy to the bank and to get her phone fixed, since I told them I'd probably be a while. You know how I get around books. It's a really nice library, getting a card was easy. I checked out the V for Vendetta graphic novel (that's what it was before it was a movie), The Shining, and a book about bipolar. I picked up a book for Suzy too, and since Derek is into philosophy I got him like 4 books about Aristotle and Socrates from the little shelf where they give away old books. I left some change in the donation box, since they were only a quarter each. Derek also brought me over a book to borrow, and it's so weird, because I almost checked out the very same book at the library. It's creepy sometimes.

After that Suzy took us to a little sushi bar in Rochester. Turns out that Derek likes sushi, but I'm not so adventurous. I had teryaki chicken and rice. We had a good time teaching Derek how to use chop sticks, and then afterward we walked over to Rochester Mills and they both had a beer. I had Coke of course, haha. Then we went home and all of us talked for hours. It's great that we all get along so well. Suzy invited Derek and I up to her place this weekend, so I think we're gonna go hang out on the lake with her. She's going to teach us how to water ski, but I'm not sure if I'm completely over my fear of water yet, lol. Still, it should be fun, they have a few boats and her parents will probably have the Grosse Point Yacht Club or whatever over. Her grandfather, it turns out, is a Liberty Ship survivor from WWII. Their ship was bombed by the Germans, and he spent 22 days in a crowded life boat before they were rescued. There's a book about him out, and they're basing a screenplay on his story. She's very excited. I think it's pretty cool myself.

I don't really have anything planned today, I missed everyone's voicemails, sorry about that. I think I'll just finish unpacking, and when it cools down some I'm gonna walk over to that little plaza and get some applications. Alaina's coming over tomorrow to hang out, and Bruce will probably be over some time this week to see me.

Anyway, hope everyone's doing good, I bet it's quiet at home, haha. Again, thank you all so much for getting me moved in and everything. Love you all.
posted by Amanda at 11:08 AM |


At August 29, 2007 at 11:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
i make it loud at home.
i'm doing double time because you aren't here.


At August 29, 2007 at 11:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
lol, yalpi.

At August 29, 2007 at 1:18 PM, Blogger Mary said........
yeah we totally were going to visit or make you come somewhere with us in our car...but you didn't answer :( I had to come home early b/c jer left his keys in my car. So far he only has 1 class (most of the others are filled, so we're hoping someone drops a class for us)....

At August 29, 2007 at 1:44 PM, Blogger mom said........
looks like your keeping busy. nothing like the world up here huh? miss you..........