Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It's been a month and a half since I last updated; oops. Well, the run-down is simple, school, work, and neither of them are hard, just somewhat time-consuming; hanging out with Derek, dealing with you-know-who (no Kenny and Mary, not Voldemort), reading, etc.

Thursday I went to La Shish to meet one of Little, Brown's reps and a high school kid who does the same thing I do. The restaurant was awesome but the conversation was kinda boring, as the rep doesn't actually read the manuscripts, but she was nice. Derek came over Friday and spent the weekend with me. I think it was Saturday night, we took some books to a friend of his in the hospital and his mom showed me all the awesome junk she bought at a garage sale recently. She finds the best stuff, you'd like her Mom.

We went to GLC on Saturday too, got some of the bourbon chicken that I got last time, it's sooo good. Then we went to Border's and read books, lol we're such nerds. Last night we had class and we talked about souls and superstitions and stuff. The mid-term is next week, so I'll probably make myself study this weekend. I also have my mid-term for Intro to Film, that should be pretty easy. We watched Singin' in the Rain this week, it was fun and I'm going to enjoy writing a paper on it.

Today Derek dropped me off at Blockbuster and I sat at the little machine thing and went through the application process. Then I stopped at Olga's Kitchen, in the same plaza, and filled out an application. Afterward I went over to the Knollwood Place apartments and Heather, the girl who lives there, showed me the apartment for rent. It's very nice, I think the room is a bit bigger than mine here, and the bathroom is en suite. The apartment itself is smaller, but it's nice and cozy. Everything's clean in a homey way, but Heather said she's a little messy. I would welcome that at this point! Heather's a very pretty girl, she's 22, and I was glad to see that she has a lot of books on her shelf. She works two jobs and goes to the gym, so I think she'd be pretty easy to live with. It's the same rent I'm paying now, except I won't have to pay utilities. I really want this apartment, even though the deposit is a bit much. I'm looking at other ads too, there's a house right by OU that I might go look at this week. The Knollwood one is so convenient though, I can see my balcony from the girl's apartment, so it wouldn't take much to move, especially if I could maybe convince them to unlock that stupid gate for a day. I'll find out what she decided next week. Cross your fingers for me, I want that apartment.

Umm haven't done much else, I think Derek's going up north this weekend, and I might go home with Mom and Dad when they come up for Uncle Vernon's house-warming. If neither of us go up north then I might drag him to a film festival over at the DIA, it's extra credit for me. We wanted to go some time for the art gallery, but it's closed for re-modelling until the end of next month. Blah.

I've got nothing to do right now, another manuscript is on its way and I don't have any homework. I guess I could study for math, I can always use a refresher on that subject.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well, whoever reads this thing.
posted by Amanda at 9:24 PM |