Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So this past weekend Derek brought over Lost and we've been watching that. I think I'm addicted now. We also went to the flea market, we seem to go at least once a month. It's fun, I made sandwiches and we ate in the little cafeteria thing. It's almost like a substitute museum until the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts) opens later this month. We plan on going as soon as it opens and spending a whole day there. We're geeks, we do stuff like that. I also recently read the book Wicked, which is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West. It was really good and Mrs. Elliott had recommended the Broadway musical to me. So I looked it up online and the closest it's coming to MI on tour is Cleveland, OH. Then I discovered it's coming to Cleveland on my birthday! So Derek and I have decided to save up, and for my birthday we're going to Cleveland to see Wicked. I'm so excited!

The Wicked poster

Not much else to report, Derek is coming with me to the Peters' Christmas and to the one at Mom's, and we'll probably do Christmas Day with our own families. Not sure yet what's going on for Thanksgiving.

I got up late yesterday but I had a lot of energy, so I cleaned like a madwoman. I cleaned the bathroom, my room, did laundry, washed my dishes, and scrubbed out the kitchen sink. It was all gross and moldy. We had class last night, then we went to the mall and got some of our favorite bourbon chicken, walked around for a bit. We passed this chocolate place, it all looked so good but they were charging $4 for a peanut butter cup! So we went to Meijer and bought 2 and a half pounds of chocolate for $4, lol. We also went to the library and rented a bunch of movies for this weekend when we're babysitting the kids. We watched The Longest Yard and The Prestige last night. I love The Prestige, Derek really liked it too.

I've had a mouse in my room, ugh. Derek set a trap for it yesterday and somehow we slept through it getting caught, cause it was in the trap this morning when we got up. Gross.

We didn't do a lot today. We got a pizza at Howie's and some more movies from the library so we would have a lot for this weekend. I got bored and put a facial mask on Derek, it was fun but I think it freaked him out. He's at home now, he's going hunting at their property in Caro early tomorrow morning with his dad. I'm gonna sit at home and enjoy the peace and quiet before I leave for the weekend to go nuts babysitting. I have a lot of books from the library, and I'm gonna write up my response to the manuscript and send it out. Hopefully I'll get my check by next week and go grocery shopping!

Okay, well, I feel like watching Phantom of the Opera so I'm gonna go do that now.

posted by Amanda at 9:19 PM |


At November 16, 2007 at 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Hey, I saw that it's coming to the Wharton Center in Lansing. Somtime in July. Call me to make sure you and Derek are coming up today.

At November 18, 2007 at 5:41 PM, Blogger Mary said........
Lost is an addiction....seriously...

I love that show :p

It won't be new again till february (IF the writers strike ends before then, if not they are talking about pushing it further to 2009!!) so you have time to catch back up ;)