Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Yeah, we just finished season one of Lost last night, I cheated and read what happens on Wikipedia, but I still wanna watch all the episodes. It's like a never-ending movie!

So mom found a Visa check card I got from Cousin Mark at my open house, I didn't even know I lost it! It really came in handy, Alaina took me to the grocery store Monday night and I got some food. I got quite a bit just for $25...I bought two packages of chicken patties, a Salisbury steak dinner, a can each of corn, peaches, and pears, bread, applesauce, cookies, bologna, Miracle Whip, cheese, snack cakes, and best of all, a box of stuffing! lol, I love Stovetop.

I just made myself two of the chicken patties for dinner, and then I wanted some of the peaches....and it turns out there's not a single can-opener in the house! So, I'm starting my Christmas List.

  • can opener

So, there, if anyone wants to get me an Xmas gift, I really need a can opener.

Last night Derek and I went to class, he lectured and we didn't have to watch a boring movie for once. We went to the library and returned the DVDs from last week, and then watched Lost. It was fun. Tonight he's going to his sister's boyfriend's house to hang out with them and some friends, and I guess they're taking a taxi somewhere to some parties or bars or something. I hope they're careful. I'm excited about seeing everyone tomorrow, I need to call someone and get a ride over to Aunt Peggy's. I'm looking forward to stuffing myself! lol

I don't know yet what I wanna do tonight, I might just stay home and have a quiet night to myself, or maybe call Crystal and see what she's up to.

See some of you tomorrow! For those of you I won't see, have a happy Thanksgiving!

posted by Amanda at 2:01 PM |


At November 23, 2007 at 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Now you have one. Geez. I keep giving you all my stuff. I already have your Christmas gift. We ended up not going at 4 a.m. we were to tired.

At November 25, 2007 at 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Hey girly what about updating your blog....huh? Did you and Derek go to DIA?