Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Mary: I just saw your comment. This weekend admission was free, but now it's standard again, so $8 per person.

Not much to say. My back and my stomach both really hurt when I got up today, it sucked. Derek washed my dishes for me, he's so sweet. I cleaned my room before class last night and it's already messy again! The bathroom needs a scrub too, I'm gonna do that too, and work on my new manuscript. Whenever Derek and I hang out again, I'm gonna look for a Christmas present for Courtney. Mom, if you still wanna reimburse me for the Lamictal than I can get Jeremy's too soon, but it's okay if you don't, I can just wait til my next check. I'm positive I'll have it before Xmas.

It's so hot in this house!! I'm wearing shorts and a tube top. That's it, I'm going to turn the heat down.
posted by Amanda at 9:55 PM | 1 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wow! I got my check yesterday and I paid my rent, and the utilities all together-gas, electric, water- were only $46! I'm very happy about that. I also went grocery shopping last night after class with Derek, and got a lot of stuff for $32. Meijer is way better than Busch's, I'm gonna shop there from now on. We went to the mall and I got some new underwear too, they were only $1 a piece at H&M. I have about $40 left over from everything, and it's good to have money in my pocket for a change. I'm very happy.
posted by Amanda at 10:56 AM | 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Okay Mom, you asked for it!
Umm let's see. Derek picked me up on Friday and we went to his house for a bit. We ate and hung out with his parents and left for the DIA around 9:30, got there at 10 (it was open 36 hours straight for the Grand Opening) and wow, it was amazing! At the main entrance there was a red carpet, and the atrium had gold sparkles dangling from the ceiling, it was so beautiful. They had a band playing in the courtyard, and they were serving champagne and wine. Derek and I spent two hours walking around before we got tired and the noise was starting to bother us (it was really crowded).

Some of my favorites:

The Nut Gatherers, William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Bank of the Oise at Auvers, Vincent Van Gogh

Self-Portrait, Vincent Van Gogh

Hygeia, Goddess of Health, Peter Paul Rubens

La Depeche de Toulouse, Maurice Denis

Leisure Hours, John Everett Millais

The White Pierrot, Pierre Auguste Renoir

Derek and I were so tired when we got home that we fell asleep right away. We got up around noon, ate, watched a movie, and took a nap, and when we woke was 10 pm!! We lost nearly an entire day. We tried to stay up all night and the next day to make up for it, but we fell asleep around 2 am but we woke up at 9 this morning. Becky called and said she was coming down today, so we met them at Derek's house this afternoon (she brought Emily and Justin Peruski with her) and drove to the DIA together. We all enjoyed it.

Okay, I'm going to bed now.

posted by Amanda at 7:47 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Yeah, we just finished season one of Lost last night, I cheated and read what happens on Wikipedia, but I still wanna watch all the episodes. It's like a never-ending movie!

So mom found a Visa check card I got from Cousin Mark at my open house, I didn't even know I lost it! It really came in handy, Alaina took me to the grocery store Monday night and I got some food. I got quite a bit just for $25...I bought two packages of chicken patties, a Salisbury steak dinner, a can each of corn, peaches, and pears, bread, applesauce, cookies, bologna, Miracle Whip, cheese, snack cakes, and best of all, a box of stuffing! lol, I love Stovetop.

I just made myself two of the chicken patties for dinner, and then I wanted some of the peaches....and it turns out there's not a single can-opener in the house! So, I'm starting my Christmas List.

  • can opener

So, there, if anyone wants to get me an Xmas gift, I really need a can opener.

Last night Derek and I went to class, he lectured and we didn't have to watch a boring movie for once. We went to the library and returned the DVDs from last week, and then watched Lost. It was fun. Tonight he's going to his sister's boyfriend's house to hang out with them and some friends, and I guess they're taking a taxi somewhere to some parties or bars or something. I hope they're careful. I'm excited about seeing everyone tomorrow, I need to call someone and get a ride over to Aunt Peggy's. I'm looking forward to stuffing myself! lol

I don't know yet what I wanna do tonight, I might just stay home and have a quiet night to myself, or maybe call Crystal and see what she's up to.

See some of you tomorrow! For those of you I won't see, have a happy Thanksgiving!

posted by Amanda at 2:01 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So this past weekend Derek brought over Lost and we've been watching that. I think I'm addicted now. We also went to the flea market, we seem to go at least once a month. It's fun, I made sandwiches and we ate in the little cafeteria thing. It's almost like a substitute museum until the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts) opens later this month. We plan on going as soon as it opens and spending a whole day there. We're geeks, we do stuff like that. I also recently read the book Wicked, which is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West. It was really good and Mrs. Elliott had recommended the Broadway musical to me. So I looked it up online and the closest it's coming to MI on tour is Cleveland, OH. Then I discovered it's coming to Cleveland on my birthday! So Derek and I have decided to save up, and for my birthday we're going to Cleveland to see Wicked. I'm so excited!

The Wicked poster

Not much else to report, Derek is coming with me to the Peters' Christmas and to the one at Mom's, and we'll probably do Christmas Day with our own families. Not sure yet what's going on for Thanksgiving.

I got up late yesterday but I had a lot of energy, so I cleaned like a madwoman. I cleaned the bathroom, my room, did laundry, washed my dishes, and scrubbed out the kitchen sink. It was all gross and moldy. We had class last night, then we went to the mall and got some of our favorite bourbon chicken, walked around for a bit. We passed this chocolate place, it all looked so good but they were charging $4 for a peanut butter cup! So we went to Meijer and bought 2 and a half pounds of chocolate for $4, lol. We also went to the library and rented a bunch of movies for this weekend when we're babysitting the kids. We watched The Longest Yard and The Prestige last night. I love The Prestige, Derek really liked it too.

I've had a mouse in my room, ugh. Derek set a trap for it yesterday and somehow we slept through it getting caught, cause it was in the trap this morning when we got up. Gross.

We didn't do a lot today. We got a pizza at Howie's and some more movies from the library so we would have a lot for this weekend. I got bored and put a facial mask on Derek, it was fun but I think it freaked him out. He's at home now, he's going hunting at their property in Caro early tomorrow morning with his dad. I'm gonna sit at home and enjoy the peace and quiet before I leave for the weekend to go nuts babysitting. I have a lot of books from the library, and I'm gonna write up my response to the manuscript and send it out. Hopefully I'll get my check by next week and go grocery shopping!

Okay, well, I feel like watching Phantom of the Opera so I'm gonna go do that now.

posted by Amanda at 9:19 PM | 2 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Not much more to write about. I got a lot of cleaning done on Sunday, and then I went to class Monday night and watched The Player, it's some early 90s movie. I wasn't that impressed. After class Alaina and I got a Howie Nowie, a $4 pizza that's ready when you get there, it was so good. We split it so it was actually only $2 each. On Tuesday I slept kinda late, didn't do much, Derek came over and we went to class. We watched a video about circumcision, they showed a baby being circumcised, it was awful. I felt so bad for it. We took a break and then we watched a movie about female excision, which, if you didn't know, is when they remove a woman's clitoris. Ugh, it was even worse. They do it a lot in Africa I guess, the girls are usually about 10-15. They do it because the men believe that women shouldn't experience pleasure in sex, or that if they keep it they'll become nymphomaniacs. A lot of messed up stuff like that. If you don't get it done in those cultures, no one will marry you and you'll be an outcast. Anyway, they showed it being done on a 15-year-old girl. They didn't have any anesthesia, of course, so she was completely conscious. Ugh, four women held her down and another woman did it with an old razor blade, then they cleaned it with boiling water. It was really hard to watch, but the girl chose to do it and she said afterward that she was glad. It was so messed up.

After class Derek and I went and got some McDonald's, I was craving a chicken sandwich. We also watched some of 2001: Space Odyssey that we rented from the library, but it was so boring that I fell asleep. We finished it the next morning. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time, but Derek liked it. Derek was kinda sick though, I made him oatmeal and stuff. He went home last night and took some medicine and had some soup, and he said he's feeling better now. I hope I don't get sick.

My room's a mess as usual, so I'm going to get everything tidied and put away and do my dishes, then probably try to finish reading that manuscript. I've only got 50 or so pages left, but 50 pages of manuscript is a lot more pages in a book. Oh well, I think I'll probably finish it tonight or tomorrow and then get my report written. I need to get stamps so I can send it out, too.

Hope everyone's well, and yes Ang please email me the pics, I'd like to see them if you don't mind.
posted by Amanda at 12:32 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
So yesterday when we got back to my place Derek and I had a nap, and then I actually cooked! I made spaghetti and chopped up that pineapple and did my dishes and then made some peanut butter cookies. They turned out nice and chewy and moist, and the spaghetti was good too. Derek and I watched Children of Men and then read until we fell asleep. When we woke up, Derek took me to the store and I picked up some laundry soap, that The Works cleaner stuff, a sponge, some paper towels, and air freshner stuff. He took me home and left, and I put in two loads of laundry and spent about two hours on the bathroom. It wasn't filthy, but it was pretty dirty so I went to town on it. I scrubbed the toilet, bathtub, sink, and cabinets; I vaccuumed and mopped the floor, cleaned the mirror, and got all the cobwebs off the light fixture. I just finished a little bit ago, but my laundry STILL isn't dry. There's a nice new washer, but the dryer looks pretty old. I made a sandwich and ate some yogurt, and now I'm waiting for my laundry so I can put in another load and get my sheets on my bed. When I get the next load going I'm going to get back to work. I have an essay on Taxi Driver for my film class due tomorrow, so I'm going to write that while I'm doing laundry and putting away clothes, and then I have to get my desk and closet organized and take the trash out. When I get all that done I'm going to sit and read the new manuscript until I get tired and fall asleep. All in all it's been a pretty productive day.
posted by Amanda at 1:01 PM | 2 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Don't worry Mom, I've been staying away from steak. Derek brought me over some plastic silverware and cups and bowls to hold me over, he's such a sweetie. We passed out candy last night, it was cold but we had fun looking at all the kids in their costumes. Remember, I want pics of the babies! Did Kenny dress up?

I got my check today, yay! Hopefully Derek will want to go up this weekend so I can pay mom back for helping me out. Derek likes mom, by the way, I believe his exact opinion of her was "cool as hell". He's at a Coheed and Cambria concert tonight, I'm looking forward to my first quiet night alone here reading some books I got from the library. Alaina was here Monday, and Derek came over for class on Tuesday, but when we got there it was cancelled, so we went to the library to a showing of Nosferatu, an old silent German film from the 20s.


Last night we did the candy thing, so I haven't had a night to myself yet. I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet evening with a book. I hope everyone is well, and hopefully we can get together this weekend. Love you all.

Oh, I almost forgot; my professor for my film class decided not to count 3 of the questions cause I guess everyone got them wrong, so I actually got an A- on my exam. Yay!

posted by Amanda at 1:12 PM | 1 comments