Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thanks for the comments, Mom and Mary. Yeah, I'm glad I wore that dress too.

So yesterday evening Derek dropped me off at the library and took Suzy to the bank and to get her phone fixed, since I told them I'd probably be a while. You know how I get around books. It's a really nice library, getting a card was easy. I checked out the V for Vendetta graphic novel (that's what it was before it was a movie), The Shining, and a book about bipolar. I picked up a book for Suzy too, and since Derek is into philosophy I got him like 4 books about Aristotle and Socrates from the little shelf where they give away old books. I left some change in the donation box, since they were only a quarter each. Derek also brought me over a book to borrow, and it's so weird, because I almost checked out the very same book at the library. It's creepy sometimes.

After that Suzy took us to a little sushi bar in Rochester. Turns out that Derek likes sushi, but I'm not so adventurous. I had teryaki chicken and rice. We had a good time teaching Derek how to use chop sticks, and then afterward we walked over to Rochester Mills and they both had a beer. I had Coke of course, haha. Then we went home and all of us talked for hours. It's great that we all get along so well. Suzy invited Derek and I up to her place this weekend, so I think we're gonna go hang out on the lake with her. She's going to teach us how to water ski, but I'm not sure if I'm completely over my fear of water yet, lol. Still, it should be fun, they have a few boats and her parents will probably have the Grosse Point Yacht Club or whatever over. Her grandfather, it turns out, is a Liberty Ship survivor from WWII. Their ship was bombed by the Germans, and he spent 22 days in a crowded life boat before they were rescued. There's a book about him out, and they're basing a screenplay on his story. She's very excited. I think it's pretty cool myself.

I don't really have anything planned today, I missed everyone's voicemails, sorry about that. I think I'll just finish unpacking, and when it cools down some I'm gonna walk over to that little plaza and get some applications. Alaina's coming over tomorrow to hang out, and Bruce will probably be over some time this week to see me.

Anyway, hope everyone's doing good, I bet it's quiet at home, haha. Again, thank you all so much for getting me moved in and everything. Love you all.
posted by Amanda at 11:08 AM | 4 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Derek's sister sent me this today, I'm not exactly sure what happened in this picture, but I look like a rodent. Ew.
posted by Amanda at 11:15 AM | 3 comments
Hi mom. Okay, well, first I'll tell you everything I did since I saw you, and then what I will or won't do next. You can just skim it.

After you left me and Derek got a pizza from Hungry Howie's, it was delicious. We watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I never really went to bed, it was too hot in my room so I sat around finishing off the Coke and unpacking stuff. I didn't really put anything away, I just looked at it. On Saturday he picked me up, umm I dunno what time it was. Yes, I wore the red dress with the silver shoes, and it was so humid that my hair was already curly, so I just sprayed it with hairspray and pulled the front back. We went to Derek's and I met his parents. She's pretty, and his dad seems quiet and very nice. His mom said I looked pretty, so I automatically like her, haha. Derek took forever to find his shoes and he can't tie a tie, so we were late for the ceremony, we missed the procession. It was boring and Catholic. I counted visibly Italian people and tried not to look at the huge picture of the soldiers stripping Jesus that was painted on the window next to me.

After the wedding we went back to his house. His grandparents came over, so I went and took a nap after he introduced me cause I didn't get to sleep. Then they woke me up and my hair was insane, I had to put wax in it to make it non-frizzy. The reception was awesome. It was really beautiful and I was so glad I'd worn that red dress. We were seated and they served us glasses of champagne with little slices of strawberry in them. The hors d'oeuvres were really good, and for the appetizer there was fettucini and mostacolli. Haha, I said I thought it looked gross and every Italian within a 15 foot radius turned to glare at me. So I just shut up and ate out of the bread basket instead, and drank some of the bottle of wine they brought to the table. I discovered I don't like wine, especially warm. It tasted cheesy, it was weird. We had fresh salad...guess what kind of dressing?...and the main entree was this herb chicken with sauce and roast beef. There were roasted potatoes with herbs and fresh green beans as well.

Oh man, the cake was great. It was white with raspberries and kiwi between the layers. They also served dishes of vanilla ice cream with cherries in it, and after a while brought fruit and pastry platters to every table. Me and Derek's sister pretty much took over the chocolate fountain, soooo good. His sister, Amanda, is great. She was drinking all night long and she wasn't even walking or talking funny. She kept bringing me drinks from the open bar, so I got a little tipsy, but she drank enough alcohol to kill an ox and was still fine. I met her boyfriend, he was pretty cool, and their cousins Zac and I think Katie.

Katie, Zac, Amanda, and John

We stayed pretty late just hanging out with everyone, then we came here and went to sleep. When we got up at like 3 we went to Little Caesar's and got ANOTHER pizza and watched Super Troopers. Suzy came home around 8, and we all went to the grocery store. I got some bologna, bread, cheese, hot pockets, chicken tenders, a roast chicken, chips, ice cream, all that stuff. I only spent about $56, so I felt pretty good about that. I also bought an's pink, of course. When we got back we put the groceries away and we all talked and Suzy and Derek got along really good, it looks like we'll probably all be hanging out a lot. Actually, Suzy's taking us to dinner tomorrow at Andiamo, some Italian restaurant. I've never heard of it but Derek said it's way too nice and we should try to get her to take us to McDonald's or something, haha. I told him not to complain, cause me and Suzy will probably have him over here killing lots of spiders and giving us rides now and then, so this is like the pre-pay. He's also taking me to the library, and Suzy's gotta go to the bank. We were supposed to watch the lunar eclipse, but Derek and I are dumb and we got the date wrong, so it's actually happening right now. Ugh. Sooo he and I might go see a late movie after dinner instead.

Oh, I walked to the stupid leasing office today, it was hot as hell, and it turns out they don't even have our mail keys yet, so no mail until they come in. Ugh. Tomorrow Suzy and I have to go back to the office anyway, for the paperwork or whatever. Oh, and speaking of spiders (I mentioned them earlier), there was a HUGE one in her room today, we were both freaking out and trying to kill it, but it was too fast. Finally I sucked it up in the vacuum hose, but then we were both too scared to touch the vacuum (Derek said I probably wouldn't have ever touched it anyway, he's mean). I tried getting him to come over and kill it but he just laughed at us. We're all paranoid it's going to crawl out of the vacuum and lay eggs in the closet or something.

I don't know yet if I'm coming up for Labor Day, maybe I will if Mary and Jeremy go. I only have a few things left to unpack, and then I'm gonna put in some applications and all that stuff. I'm still under consideration for the editing gig, and they've cut us down to 12 according to the rep, so I'll probably find out this week if I'm getting an interview or not. Cross your fingers, I want this job!

Okay I'm gonna go look at the eclipse now.
posted by Amanda at 12:47 AM | 3 comments