Saturday, June 28, 2008
I can't read your blog. =( Aren't you going to add me to your list?

Today at work the owner told us not to come in again til Wednesday, cause the guys who were here from corporate last week decided the store isn't set up efficiently enough, so they're closing up for a few days to have a specialist and some workers rearrange everything. Too bad I didn't know, I coulda stayed at Mom's a little longer. Anyway, we're all pissed cause we're not getting to work for a few days, but it doesn't matter to me that much cause I get paid Monday anyway and if my next check is a little less than usual it just means I'll go without cable and snacks or something. I don't see what the big deal is, but maybe everyone else has a lot more expenses than I do, because suddenly everyone wants to work this weekend to make up for losing hours this week. I guess it's not that bad for them, cause after work they can still drive out to parties and celebrate and stuff, while I'd be stuck here by myself after work. So I gladly gave up my shift this upcoming weekend, so after work on Thursday I don't have to work again til Monday! Hopefully someone can take me up north with them or Mom or Dad can come get me and I'll get to celebrate the fourth. Yay!

I came home and took a shower and made some cheesesticks. It was too late to go to Shana's grad party with Alaina, so I'm just gonna relax and do some housework before I hang out with Ben later. Today's a good day.
posted by Amanda at 6:43 AM | 3 comments