Thursday, January 31, 2008
Like always, not much new. I did get a job at Beaner's coffee, it's only a ten minute walk so I'm happy. I don't know yet how many hours I'll get or what I get paid, but I really hope it's enough to pay my rent. I don't think I'll mind working in a coffee shop, it's gotta be way better than Subway. I go in tomorrow to meet with the owner, I don't think I'm gonna be starting tomorrow because he's seeing us all separately (they're hiring two other girls as well).

Derek and I tried again last week, but we ended up breaking up for good Tuesday night. It sucks, and I feel kinda down, but I'm glad I have my friend Steve. If I haven't mentioned him before, he's this gay guy from Lake Orion that I met through a friend from school. We watch a ton of movies, and The Office which is an awesome show. I also got him addicted to LOST. He said I could come over and watch the Season 4 Premiere with him tonight, he's gonna do work in the other room so it doesn't spoil it for him cause he's only on Season 2. He works for the Oakland County court systems and stuff, doing all their networking. Right now he's also doing some computer work on the side because his hours got cut at work. If it goes well, he wants to start his own business. He's really nice and he's helping me a lot through this icky breakup stuff.

Otherwise, I feel really good. I've been spending a half hour outside when I can stand it, cause Dr. Ingram said it will help with my winter blues. I've been cleaning a lot and keeping everything neat, and it makes me feel a lot better just doing that. I'm also on a normal sleeping schedule again, that helps too. I've been watching what I eat, and I'm using to help me make good choices. I really like the site.

Hopefully I'll get to see Mom and Dad this weekend. Alaina said that they're driving back home Sunday night, so if I don't have to work on Sunday, I can go to the Super Bowl party! I'm so glad.
posted by Amanda at 2:10 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Still waiting for my check. Bah.

Derek and I ended up breaking up, as you probably all already know. Mom must check my Myspace every 5 seconds, she called me so fast! lol It's okay though, because we're on good terms and we're still going to hang out and go on dates. We're just going to do things a lot slower.

In fact, he gets out of class in a few minutes and we're planning on hanging out tonight. I haven't even seen him since last Tuesday, I think. Something like that. I think it's good for us because it makes me look forward to hanging out with him even more than I did before. Hopefully we won't get in so many fights.

I stayed up all night and now it's 4:30 in the evening and I still haven't gone to sleep. I did some laundry and put the dishes in the sink. I'm gonna clean up and see what Derek wants to do tonight.

That reminds me, I need hangers. If you got any extra ones I can have, let me know.
posted by Amanda at 4:38 PM | 5 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Mmm, I just made a huge bowl of stuffing and I'm sitting here eating it with the ham from Xmas. Yummy, I forgot to eat all day today.

Haven't been feeling good at all lately. Me and Derek aren't doing so good right now, we might break up. I hope not, I hope we can work things out. I haven't really been doing anything at all. I hung out with Judd the other day, that's about it. I'm waiting for my stupid check, I guess it got held up, and waiting to hear back about a job somewhere else. I have absolutely no money. I haven't had a cigarette since Sunday night and my Lamictal's running out and I have no more refills. Talk about winter blues.

I'm going to hand back in some more apps tomorrow and then that pretty much covers this area. If I don't get hired anywhere then I'll have to move again. Noooo. Wish me luck.
posted by Amanda at 1:50 AM | 4 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Mary- yeah, we do wanna come over one of these nights, we were just lazy and kinda drunk on New Year's and didn't really feel like going anywhere. We had a really quiet night. It's Saturday, maybe I'll even give you guys a call today and see what you're doing.

Derek's coming over in a little bit and we're gonna go to Border's. We went and saw Saw IV the other day at the dollar theatre, it was so gory. I must be in that kinda mood, because I'm also reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. I love Stephen King!

Last night I made spaghetti for myself, and boiled some potatoes later cause I was still hungry. I really gotta make myself cook more often. I've gained 10 or 15 lbs since I moved down here, I'm just not eating right at all. I'm going to drink more water and try to be more active, and not eat so much candy. That fudge Mom gave me is almost gone, it's so good. You're making me fat, Mom! But yeah, anyway, I read that you're starting Weigh Down again. I'm proud of you, it's so hard to get started and try to lose weight. If I gain any more weight, I'll be officially "overweight". Ugh. So I'm trying to get Derek to help me be more strict about what I eat. But you know how guys are.

I better get ready. I still feel really groggy from sleeping in weird patterns. I'm gonna go wash my face with cold water and drink something with caffeine in it. My new roommate Elijah said I can have one of his cans of Faygo anytime I want, lol. He's really nice.

I wish my check would get here! I want to buy some healthy groceries and pay Mom back. I better turn in some more apps pretty soon.

Hope everyone starts to feel better, love you all.
posted by Amanda at 5:12 PM | 3 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'll try to be better about it.

Last night Derek had me over for dinner at his parents' house. His grandparents and a few of his aunts and uncles were there too. His mom made "fried pizza", which apparently she hasn't made in 35 years. It reminded me of the dough balls they have at Charmont's. She made a big piece of fried dough for everyone, and then smothered them in her homemade sauce and we sprinkled mozzerella cheese and pepperonis on them. The dough was so good, she made it completely from scratch.

After that the night went downhill. Derek was getting pretty sick, he was all congested and coughing and miserable, and neither of us could sleep all night and we kept snapping at each other and getting in stupid fights because we were so tired. We finally fell asleep around 4 am and then he went home this afternoon to sleep some more. I made myself spaghetti for dinner and read for a while, but I fell asleep again! I couldn't believe it, I'd only been awake for like 4 hours. I hope I'm not getting sick too.

Still waiting for my check, and I'm going to finally return all those applications tomorrow if I'm not sick. I read Ang's blog about her and Aubrey being sick, I really hope they get better. I hope Derek doesn't have what they have as well. Ugh.
posted by Amanda at 11:55 PM | 4 comments