Thursday, December 6, 2007
I was just watching some American Idol auditions on YouTube, they're just so hilarious. I love Randy's comments on this one especially.
posted by Amanda at 5:06 PM | 5 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
Ugh. When I got home from Mom's on Saturday I fell asleep right away, and I didn't wake up til 5 pm! I'm so out of whack. Derek came over a little later and we got McDonald's and went to Meijer to get some more groceries and stuff. I wasn't thinking and I wore my sandals...I'm so dumb. I woke up on Sunday really sick and icky-feeling. Derek got me some Ibuprofen and stuff and left so I would sleep. I felt better when I woke up, but I didn't really feel right until today. I boiled almost a dozen eggs and put them in the fridge so I'd have a snack when I felt like it, and I was gonna clean but I felt kinda dizzy so I'm resting a bit. My last film class of the semester was tonight, but I skipped it cause I turned in my term paper last week. Now I'm just waiting for him to post the final grades.

I'm watching an episode of Lost right now online (well I watched half of it and now the other half is loading) and when it's done I'm gonna fry up the ham steak I bought and make a gigantic ham sandwich, mmm. Last night I heated up those mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving and ate them with ranch dressing, I think it made me feel a lot better. I also got two frozen Sara Lee pies from Meijer for 2/$4, apple and cherry. I might make the apple one and take the cherry one to the Peters Christmas party. Apple pie sounds good.

I'm a little nervous because the rep from Little, Brown said that this manuscript might be my last, and they might discontinue the program after the new year. Ugh. So I'm renewing all my apps at the places I put them in last month. It sucks.

I've been taking my pills every day like I should, but I can still feel the "winter blues" starting to get to me. I hate it. I'll have to schedule an appointment with Ingram soon and ask him what I should do. Ick! I hate winter!
posted by Amanda at 5:38 PM | 1 comments