Sunday, September 2, 2007
Looks like last time I wrote was Wednesday, and it's early Monday morning now. Umm, not much happened this week, mostly just hung out with Derek and Suzy. The two of them went bike-riding on the Pane or Pan Creek trail or whatever it's called on Saturday. They gave up trying to make me go after I explained to Suzy that her trying to persuade me to ride a bike 19 miles was as fruitless as me asking her if she wanted to go to the library and research the social implications of a linguistically-regulated dystopian government. While they were gone, Crys and Bruce both, coincedentally, stopped by at the exact same time. We hung out, and I introduced them to my roommate and boyfriend when they got back. Suzy was suddenly full of energy, but Derek was maxed out, so we cancelled our plans to go play disc golf with her and just hung out with Bruce. There was the incident, of course, and I'm going to try and ring him up today to see how he's doing.

Derek's friend who goes to school in Pennsylvania is home for the weekend, so he and Derek played disc golf today (apparently that's a kind of fad around here) and me and Suzy just laid around and enjoyed a weekend where she didn't work and I didn't have school or work (yet). On a related note, I got a call and an email on Saturday that the publishing house is requesting an interview with me in two weeks. So, wish me luck. Anyway, Crys didn't make it over here until about 7, so it was way too cold to swim but I did anyway out of sheer stubbornness. After we showered and watched a few episodes of Simpsons, we went to the grocery store and picked up a few essentials, like paper towels, napkins, milk; and a few non-essentials, like Oreos and Reese's cups. We grabbed some McDonald's and Crystal and me watched American Psycho, this creepy film with Christian Bale. I think she's asleep now. I have a facial mask on so I'm sitting out here in the living room typing this so I don't wake her up. Tomorrow we're going back down to the pool, and she's going to have a quick workout in the gym and I'm going to try and get at least something resembling a tan. Derek will probably stop by later with his PA friend. I think Suzy's going home tomorrow. We all have class on Tuesday, I'm actually really looking forward to it, but ummm Kenny I really need that graphing calculator. Think maybe you can get one on eBay or something and ship it here?

Oh and Ang, I don't know if you read this, but you should definitely come see my apartment, you're the only one who hasn't yet.

Okay now I'm just wasting time rambling, I should go wash this mask off and go to sleep.
posted by Amanda at 11:09 PM | 2 comments